Treasure Hunt
“The beauty of street photography is its unpredictability—it’s like a treasure hunt, and you never know what you’ll find”
- Matt Stuart
I struggled to come up with a name for this project. It’s all street photography, and that is the common thread that runs through this collection of photos. I searched for quotes about street photography, hoping to come up with some concept that could capture the essence of what happens when I head out to some common area where people tend to gather with a camera in my hand.
When I came across the quote from Matt Stuart, I knew I had my title. It’s a treasure hunt, and I’m looking for photo gems that capture some particular moment that will never be replicated again. The unpredictability means you constantly have to pay close attention to your surroundings. This is a rewarding practice in any situation, but with a camera in your hand it can lead to finding beauty and surprising things in places you never would have thought to look.