A photo journal. About life. About time. About change.


Did you ever wonder why time moves so much faster as we get older? Our brains are programmed to pay less attention to familiar things cataloged as “safe.” That ever-expanding list of safe things and experiences translates to more time for thinking, usually about things that happened in the past or might possibly happen in the future. Before we know it time passes and real life—the here and now—goes unnoticed.

Photography helps me slow down and pay attention to the here and now. My favorite photographer quote of all time comes from Sally Mann - "It's easier for me to take ten good photos in an airplane bathroom than in the gardens of Versailles."  To me the most beautiful photos are the ones that elevate those mundane, everyday places and moments that might otherwise be ignored into something special.  Because in the end they are special - but we get so busy thinking about other things that we forget to look.